Vintage style definition
In Germany, Vintage is used as a quality characteristic and seal of approval. It also is used to describe something special, traditional, and sophisticated. The term vintage is like many other terms from English which have recently "migrated" into German. In English, vintage means old, old-fashioned, aged, unique, and is generally considered to be a very positive attribute.In recent years, however, the concept of “vintage,” which was used in the German-speaking world to describe older, more culturally-established things, now also includes the lighter, more fashion-oriented meaning.
Features of the vintage style are:
-Frequent and varied use of ornaments
-Frequent use of floral / herbal inspired shapes
-Use of stylistic features such as cuts and patterns from earlier eras
-Usually associated with artistic trends of the 1920s, 1950s, and Art-Deco/Jugendstil